Where can I download any Mac OS ISO file for VirtualBox? Update Cancel. Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite - download ISO in one click. Scroll down and click on the green button. Related Questions. Where can I download any iPhone OS ISO file for VirtualBox?

Do you have a Windows PC but have been wishing you had a Mac as well? Buying two computers is very expensive plus you cannot be able to use them both concurrenty To beat these two challenges, you can use virtualization software.

VirtualBox allows Windows users to create a virtual machine within their PC. The virtual machine can be run by OS X Yosemite or any other operating system of choice. Why choose Yosemite? It is among the best operating systems to have been made by Apple. With its cool features and a beautiful interface, it will surely keep you engaged. Thanks to VirtualBox, you can have Windows and the Mac OS X 10.10 running in one computer concurrently. To switch from the Windows environment and open your Mac, only takes a few clicks. Simply open VirtualBox and start the OS X Yosemite virtual machine.

Mac Os Sierra Free Download For Virtualbox Download Bootable macOS ISO for VMware Workstation and VirtualBox. For VMware or VirtualBox virtual machines, click the button below to download the image file to your computer via google drive. Iso Download Games. Update (June 8, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.5 Released! Update: (July 26, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.6. This video guide you how to install Mac OS on VirtualBox with Mac OS ISO Download for Virtualbox.Mac OS ISO: https://www.nosware.com/macos-sierra-iso-downloa.

MacOS Catalina Beta 10.15 (19A4871) ISO; Mac Os Catalina Download File. Here is how to do the installation of ISO file on VMware & VirtualBox. There are some differences between the installation of macOS Catalina on VMware and VirtualBox check below content. That’s all, about macOS Catalina ISO File for VMware & VirtualBox. Virtualbox mac osx iso free download. MultiBootUSB-Live This project provides a Live DVD for the multibootusb program, for installing multiple Linux Distros. Install Mac OS X El Capitan on VirtualBox. Apr 20, 2021 Mac Os Sierra Free Download For Virtualbox Download Bootable macOS ISO for VMware Workstation and VirtualBox. For VMware or VirtualBox virtual machines, click the button below to download the image file to your computer via google drive. Iso Download Games. Update (June 8, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.5 Released! Update: (July 26, 2018): Mac OS 10.13.6.

VirtualBox virtual machines work just like real computers. You can do anything just like on a Mac on this virtual machine. Before you can enjoy all that you need to do the installation and here s a guide that you will find useful.

What you will need?

Unfortunately, not every Windows user can use this option. Your PC needs to meet some minimum qualifications. First is that it needs to be run by at least i3 or i5 CPU. This is because the CPU will be running two operating systems and hence it needs to be really strong. You also need to share the RAM and ROM of your PC between two Oss and hence there should be enough of each. The minimum RAM required for successful installation and running of OS X 10.10 Yosemite on VirtualBox is 3GB, while hard drive space needed is 20GB.

Is your hardware okay? You now need to download a few programs in readiness for the installation process. The first thing you need is the VirtualBox software which is free. You shall also need the Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Retail image which we have provided below. To unpack everything you need Winrar, 7Zip or any other unarchiving software. If you already have any there is no need to download but if not, be sure to download and install Winrar before starting this process.

Yosemite 10.10 Final Image:
Google Drive: https://goo.gl/k0sFVp
VirtualBox Free Download

Steps to Use Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Retail On VirtualBox Image on Windows

Step 1: Extract files from Yosemite Image

When you download the Yosemite image it will come with all the files bundled up. You need to extract them using Winrar. To do the extraction, right click on the image and select “Extract here”.

Step 2: Install and Start VirtualBox

When you download VirtualBox, you get a .exe file. Double-click on it to start the installation. An installation wizard will guide you through the remaining steps. It will involve clicking on a series of “Yes” buttons, “Install” and “Finish”. When the last step is done, VirtualBox will be launched.

Step 3: Make a new Virtual Machine

In the open VirtualBox window, click on “New”. A prompt will appear on which you need to enter the name of the virtual machine, the type, and the version. You can give the machine any name you like. As for the type and version, they are Mac OS X and Mac OS X 10.10 respectively. Click “Next” and on this screen, You are required to choose the amount of RAM you would like to use. As for the hard disk, choose 20GB and proceed.

Select the ” option and browse to the folder where the image files were downloaded. Click on the “Create” button.

Step 4: Change Settings of the new Virtual Machine (VM)

Click on the VM name to activate it. Click on “Settings”. Under the system submenu, motherboard tab, check the boxes next to Hard Disk and CD/DVD in Boot Order. Under extended features, tick to “Enable EFI”. Change the chipset to ICH9 or PIIX3.

Edit Virtual Machine

Under the processor tab, choose at least two cores and In the Display submenu, change the VRAM to 128MB.

Step 5: Add code to VirtualBox

This is a very important step because, without it, the VM will not work. Its aim is to trick the VirtualBox into believing that the CPU in place is valid for running Mac OS X Search for cmd in the search button. When Command Prompt is shown, right-click on it and choose “run as administrator”.

Close VirtualBox then paste the code below in CMD:

Remember to replace “Your VM Name” with your virtual machine’s name. Press Enter and close the command prompt.

cd 'C:Program FilesOracleVirtualBox'
VBoxManage.exe modifyvm 'Your VM Name' --cpuidset 00000001 000106e5 00100800 0098e3fd bfebfbff
VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM Name' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct' 'iMac11,3'
VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM Name' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion' '1.0'
VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM Name' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct' 'Iloveapple'
VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM Name' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey' 'ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc'
VBoxManage setextradata 'Your VM Name' 'VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC' 1

Mac os sierra iso download for virtualbox

Mac Os X El Capitan

Step 5: Set up Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and enjoy!


Mac Os Catalina Iso Vmware

Open VB and click the “Start” button. Follow the prompts to set up an account or login with your existing Apple account. Setting the account up will be easy thanks to the guided prompts. Within a few minutes, you will have your very own Mac inside your Windows PC!

There you have it; the easy steps to installing Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. We hope that this guide has been useful to you and that you are able to successfully finish the process.

New Tutorial: How to Install macOS High Sierra on VirtualBox on Windows

I'm trying to install OS X Mavericks in VirtualBox on Windows 8.1. I have VirtualBox installed and the VM set up, but I need an ISO file to install the operating system.

I've searched around and found one result one a website I hadn't heard of, but Google Chrome flagged it as malware. I found a file on CNet, but it's an upgrade file for machines that are running an earlier version of OS X.

Mac Os Iso

Is there an official source for downloading OS X ISO files? If not, is it possible to get the required ISO file without already having access to OS X?


4 Answers

Does not work on Mavericks and Yosemite

There is no way to legitimately get the file without having access to a Mac, and a licensed copy of the OS via a purchase (unless you are a member of the Developer Program, for which you can expect to pay far more than the cost of the OS, what with it being free).

But if you can blag some access time on a Mac, then you can download the OS from the Mac App Store (You may need to Option+Click the Purchased section to force it to reshow them if you have downloaded them at least once already). Once you have the installer downloaded and sat in your dock, you can simply pick it apart and get to the image file that is inside it.

This is the official way to get the file direct from Apple, but there is still work to do to make it into an ISO:

  1. Once you’ve downloaded Mavericks, find the installer on your Mac. It’s called Install OS X Mavericks.app and it should have been downloaded to your main Applications folder or be sat in your Dock.
  2. Right-click (or Control+click) the installer, and choose Show Package Contents from the resulting contextual menu.
  3. In the folder that appears, open Contents > Shared Support; you’ll see a disk image file called InstallESD.dmg

    This dmg file is in essence an ISO file in s slightly different format. We'll need to convert it. Open up Disk Utility and:

  4. From the menu bar, select Images > Convert and point it to your .dmg file
  5. In the Save As dialog that follows, select DVD/CD master. Disk Utility will insist on saving the new ISO as a .cdr file, but it is really an ISO.
  6. When complete, you can rename it to .iso in Finder.
  7. Use an external HD or thumb drive which is in ExFAT format (Compared to FAT format, this allows for single files larger than 4GB). Copy the .iso file and access it on the other system.

For clarity, you can do the above on any version of OS X from 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) onwards, so you can use an old image to get hold of a new image for example, if you have access to a different OS version than Mavericks.


The answer above by @stuffe won't work on Mavericks. Apparently Apple has changed the format of the ESD image and it's no longer bootable.

Looking around I've found a couple of pointers on how to do the necessary conversions to get the result as something you can boot a VM off.

Depending on what's the purpose of the ISO file, if it's to reinstall a computer, it might be more useful to use a Bootable USB- For that, check How to: Create a bootable installation for OS X Mavericks 10.9 and above.

Download Mac Os Sierra Iso For Virtualbox

For the ISO file itself, I've mostly used the information found on this post on the InsanelyMac site, augmented with the information/tip on creating a Recovery Partition found on the Apple Support Communities.

Basically the process is to get the ESD image, and rebuild it to include some info that is now packaged as symlinks, and get that out as a ISO file. The author of the InsanelyMac post has automated the process into a bash script, that I'm pasting here for convenience/reference:

Download Mac Os X Mavericks Iso For Virtualbox

I can confirm that the resulting image is indeed bootable within Fusion; it's in the process of being installed so I'm yet to see whether other 'tricks' are needed to make it work (for example, if the result is lacking a Recovery Partition as stated in some of the threads).

UPDATE: The resulting VM boots, and appears to work 'well'. I have used the method described to create a recovery partition, but even though Carbon Copy 'sees' a Recovery Partition on the (virtual) HD, it doesn't appear to work all that well, as booting the VM with Option key pressed doesn't do anything. Will look into it if I have time, but for the time being it appears that the .iso file I got is working.

There is no official way to run OS X on a virtual machine in Windows. The Apple EULA clearly states under section 2 B that you're allowed to:

(iii) to install, use and run up to two (2) additional copies or instances of the Apple Software within virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer you own or control that is already running the Apple Software, for purposes of: (a) software development; (b) testing during software development; (c) using OS X Server; or (d) personal, non-commercial use.

Source: Apple Inc. Software License Agreement for OS X Maverics

This means that you can virtualize OS X only inside OS X on Mac hardware. Anything else breaks the license.


The same as given by stuffe.

You can format your flash drive to ExFAT format which allows for access both on Windows and Mac. The file size restriction of FAT is not present on ExFAT.

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Mac Os Yosemite Iso

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Mac Os X Yosemite 10.10 Download

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In this post, we’ll provide download macOS Catalina ISO for VMware & VirtualBox. We enough talked about macOS Catalina 10.15 finally macOS Catalina is out. With is incredible features and now available on Mac App Store. As facing huge issues on the new operating system, after the passage of time finally, all issues bugs fixed. All the expectations are full filled with fixing the errors, bugs. And what the users expected completed. If you remember when macOS Catalina released. There was doubt about the installation process, users were doubting on the security problems. But finally, after an experiment, Apple fixed all of them. Now enjoy using macOS Catalina on Windows PC, or anywhere else.

Though macOS Catalina with it’s handy features attract many users. But again let’s see what will be the changes in future updates to it. To be more attractive and compatible with computers. When talking about macOS Catalina installation on the real Mac, I think it can not be a huge deal. But to complete our experience we have to install it on different platforms of Windows PC with an ISO file or VMDK file. Simply we can check the features all things through updating macOS Catalina in Virtual machines. Spotify musik download mac.

This occurs when the copy of the macOS Catalina Installer app used has gotten corrupted somehow. To rectify this, use Catalina Patcher to download a fresh copy of the Catalina installer, then re-create an installer volume and/or retry the installation. The Zoom application does not.

When it’s time to install a new version of macOS or download a new update, nearly everyone turns to the Mac App Store to start the process. While the App Store makes OS installations easy. When it’s time to install a new version of macOS or download a new update, nearly everyone turns to the Mac App Store to start the process. While the App Store makes OS installations easy. If you have a newer Mac, there is no physical option to install Mac OS versions older than your current Mac model. For instance, if your MacBook was released in 2014, don’t expect it to run any OS released prior of that time, because older Apple OS versions simply do not include hardware drivers for your Mac.

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  • Related:Download macOS Catalina Torrent Image – Latest Version

What is macOS Catalina ISO

We are expecting to do many ways to get something extra knowledge, but installing macOS Catalina on Windows PC is not the only way of macOS Catalina installation. But you can install it on VMware, VirtualBox on Windows PC, these ways are suitable for a Windows user to be touched with macOS Catalina. Without installing macOS Catalina with VMDK file on Windows PC through Virtual machines on Windows PC. We found two other separate ways to install it on VMware, or VirtualBox on Windows using the ISO file. Also, you get a macOS Catalina Virtual machine file, or still, the macOS Catalina files remain in the same place.

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Download macOS Catalina ISO For VMware & VirtualBox

When getting an idea on what is VMDK file? or what is ISO file for VMware & VirtualBox? Absolutely there are some changes in it. Like “VMDK” used for “Virtual Machine Disk File”, and “ISO” is a complete copy of everything stored on a physical disk. For example, we use macOS Catalina with VMDK & ISO file for Virtualization purposes but in two different methods. And for installing it on a real Mac we use macOS Catalina DMG file or the file which you are getting from Mac App Store is much different than the VMDK file and ISO file. Because of the VMDK file and ISO file created by us. This file is specifically created for VMware & VirtualBox installation purposes. This ISO file will be used for installing on VMware & VirtualBox but in other methods.

However, we successfully installed macOS Catalina on VMware & VirtualBox using the ISO file. And perfectly it is working without any error. Due to security reasons, we uploaded on two different platforms Google Drive and MediaFire. When you don’t have any Mac computer. But have enthusiastic to download the file for Virtualization and install it. And we have made this easy to access online to the files every time. By staying on our site we always try to get the latest update for you when it released. Be ready to install it on your Windows PC by VMware & VirtualBox. Also, update macOS Catalina to the latest version on virtual machines. But there aren’t any differences between updating on VMware and VirtualBox. These the requirements for a Virtual machine, whether that is VMware or VirtualBox.

Download macOS Catalina ISO File (Latest Update)

You can download macOS Catalina ISO file. For the extraction of the file, you can use WinRAR & 7Zip.

  • macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Final ISO (19F101) – Latest Version
  • macOS Catalina Beta 10.15 (19A4871) ISO

Mac Os Catalina Download File

Here is how to do the installation of ISO file on VMware & VirtualBox

There are some differences between the installation of macOS Catalina on VMware and VirtualBox check below content.

Bottom Line

That’s all, about macOS Catalina ISO File for VMware & VirtualBox. Prepare the file and start the installation, on VMware and VirtualBox. Again if there is remaining something we are happy to hear from you in the comment section. Also, share your feedback with us too.

Install macOS Catalina on VMware on Windows PC – Video

Install macOS Catalina on VirtualBox on Windows PC – Video